Wednesday, 18 July 2007

New LO

Just thought I'd pop in to share my latest LO. It is a scrap-lift of Mel's "Laundry Love" LO.
It's of Georgia, Jackson and their cousin Clare. These kids are very lucky to have a Grandma that can knit gorgeous clothes for them. She is an amazing knitter, she is so fast, and it's great cause knitted cardigans and vests are so in this season. Georgia has her little knitted vest and cardigan on in the photo and Clare is wearing Georgia's little red cardigan too.

On other news, our plans are finished, so we are picking them up tomorrow and taking them straight to council. I hope they aren't too long there. As soon as their approved we can start building (yay!!)
Not a lot else happening today. Had a quiet morning at home with Jacco, doing lots of house-work (yuck) .
We had Georgia's parent-Teacher interview this arvo, and she is doing so well at school, her teacher thinks she's a little angel, lol.
Today Georgia gave the little finger puppets she made to some of her friends at school, she also gave one to her teacher, so sweet. She has a little boy in her class who is autistic, and we have been talking a lot about him lately. She sometimes comes home from school and says that he is naughty. She must find it hard to understand why he is how he is, but I just say his brain doesn't work as well as the other kids. I thought it was so sweet that she wanted to give him a little finger puppet too, she is such a caring little girl, I just love her to bits.
Thanks for reading (if anyone does, lol)

1 comment:

Edleen said...

hi Ange!
love that layout, very pretty :)