Thursday, 8 February 2007

Zoo Doo

Yesterday we took the kids to Zoo Doo. They had a wonderful time feeding and patting all the animals. Ben loved the zebra bus ride up to see the emus, ostriches and camels. They all loved the little rides and jumping castle too. I think there favourite was the baby goats in the animal nursery, they were so cute. It was very hot there, but we had a great time.

We went to Jon's mums for tea last night.It was nice not having to cook again :0)

This morning we went to pay the school levies and pick up the school books. Ben and Georgia both got new school uniforms. Georgia's little school dress is so small and cute, I can't wait to see it on her :0) All we need to get now is shoes and bag for Georgia and they both need lunch boxes. I really love having them home over the holidays, but they are looking forward to going back to school again.

Another LO done last night "washing up for Grandma" I cant believe I'm getting some boy LO's done lately. I usually have trouble doing boy LO, so I really happy to be getting some done:0)

Lunch time now.


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