Monday, 10 December 2007

A Catch Up

Thought I'd do a post on what's been happening in the last couple of months, If I can remember, I am a slack blogger, I know I've said that 100 times before. Here goes..........

Georgia's 5Th Birthday

Her birthday was the 5Th November.


Some of her pressies were: a new bike, mlp balloon house, Felicity wishes book, fishing rod, jewellery box plus other bits and pieces.

She took pink, white and red cupcakes to school on the Wednesday.

And she had a party on Saturday with a couple of her little friends from school, and family, She had a Strawberry Shortcake cake that my sister helped me decorate.

Georgia's Dance Concert.

The concert was on Saturday 17th Nov, They had a matinee and evening performance.

She did a song and dance (I'm a little doll) It was so cute, and she did such a fantastic job, we were so proud of her. She can't wait for the next concert next year(I definitely can!!) It's a big day for everyone, but the kids just have so much fun, which is all worth it!!

Some photo's

Jackson's 3rd Birthday.

His birthday was 22nd November.

Some of his pressies were: a new bike & helmet, mack truck and lightening McQueen car, Books, tonka tractor & trailer.

We had a family BBQ that night, I made him cupcakes too (green & Blue).

New House

Building is going well, and they should be at lock up by Christmas, hopefully we'll be in Feb/March. The kids always want to go up after school and see what's been happening. We still call it the block, but it is starting to really look like a house now.


We are just about organised for Christmas, which is a great feeling, just a couple of pressies to go. This will be our last Christmas at Fahan, which is a bit sad, I wonder where we'll have it next year!!

Mum got me to make the lolly boxes again this year for their Christmas Dinner,I had to do about 50 and I was glad when I finished, lol, here is a photo:

Sorry Mel no exciting Christmas decoration photos!! Maybe next time:0)

Georgia has her nativity play on Thursday, so that should be cute, hopefully have some photos to share:0)

Thanks for stopping by.


Thursday, 25 October 2007

Birthday Boy!

My baby boy is seven.............How did that happen so fast?? He had a good birthday yesterday, he was up at 5:55 (way too early). We got him a new bike, a remote-control robot that shoots things out of it, some Lego, some clothes from pumpkin patch, and a pirate book, he was one very spoilt boy. He actually woke up a couple of hours after he went to bed, the night before his birthday and caught us wrapping pressies and putting his seat up on his bike, so he got to have a sneak peak at it. I said to Jon lucky it wasn't Christmas eve, lol.

He asked if he could take a cake to school and I said that would be OK, but that was before he told me he wanted a rock and roll cake. OMG I had no idea how I was going to create a cool rock and roll cake for him to take to school, I decided to do an electric guitar, and it turned out OK, just don't look to close, lol, the kids at school thought it was cool, so I was relieved:0)

After school Jon walked up to the school with his new bike and he rode it home. The day was so sunny and warm, we had a family BBQ for tea, with my sister and her kids, my mum and our good friends, He was spoilt again with more cool pressies. Then we had another cake, which was a Bart Simpson peppermint choc-chip ice-cream cake (yum).

He got a call before school on his birthday from Grandma and Grandad, who have been away for about 6 weeks in their caravan, they will be home in a couple of weeks (thankgoodness, they have been missed, by the kids and by us.)
Toady was a pretty quiet kindda day, just stayed home and cleaned up, Ben got to play with all his new stuff. We did take a drive up to the block, the digger was there today digging out for the foundations, the cement mixer should be there in the morning. The kids were very excited to see some action finally. Dad won't say how long he thinks it will take to complete, it must be a builder thing, they never seem to tell anyone that, LOL!

That's all for today.


Thursday, 18 October 2007


Just a quickie post before I get tea ready.
Big news is we finally have approval from council for our new house.....Yippee!! (We've only been waiting two months:0( So the excavator is booked for Tuesday. Fingers crossed the rain stays away. We are all very excited about building this new house.

have been doing a bit of scrapping the last couple of days, I think I have my mojo back at last:0)

Firstly this one of Georgia collecting Shells and things.

Jackson, Georgia and Amelia at the shack.

And this one I did a while back I finished the journaling last night. It says "Ben loves to ride his bike to the shops, home from school, around the block or just in the back yard. But his most favourite place to ride is through big muddy puddles."

Better get tea ready before the kids start complaining. LOL! Burritos tonight. Yum!


Tuesday, 16 October 2007

I'm Still Alive!

Yes I am still alive........I'm just very slack at blogging. lol. Thanks for your comment Sharmaine, you got my bum into gear:-)

A lot has happened in the last couple of months, so much I can't really remember, so I'll just write about what has happened lately. We spent the weekend at the shack, it was really windy up the east coast but sunny. We have a little beach spot we go to which is nearly always sheltered from the wind, so the kids went swimming in their wetsuits and had so much fun.

We picked up Georgia's costume for the concert next month. It is so cute (red and white, her favorite colours) They are doing a song and dance again this year, the song is called "Are my ears on straight?" They are little dolls. Here is a photo of it, but it looks so much better IRL.

We have got Ben's birthday coming up next week, seven OMG, where does the time go. We have got him a new bike, to replace his old one, which is falling apart. We are not going to have a party with school friends this year, just a family BBQ. We took Ben and his little friend to see the Monster Truck show a while back, which we told him was part of his B'day pressie too.

We have a busy run coming up, all three of my little ones have their birthday before Christmas, and Georgia's dance concert, and getting organised for Christmas.

I'll leave with some photos of what I've done craft/scrapbooking wise in the past months.

My gorgeous niece Amelia, my sister (her mum) said she wasn't very photogenic, that explains the title.

Georgia in her book week costume, I still have to scrap Ben's photo's ( he was old McDonald)

Georgia at the beach, last summer. It says "The best thing about building sandcastles is knocking them down!"

My cutie and his dimples.

I picked up a copy of "Softies". A book with the most adorable softies to make. I have only managed Alfred Monkey so far. He is a very metro-sexual guy. He's not afraid to wear pink LOL! I really want to make some more little softies out of the book soon.

A little birdie bag, pattern by the talented Mel Goodsell, at Tarisota's, I need to finish the button and do the mini album.

A simple card I made for my good friend for her 30Th.

And that's about it from me.

Thanks for reading, if anybody does, lol.

Ange xx

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Seeing Double!!

I have been stitching up a storm lately (I have the stitching bug:0) Here are my Ruby dolls. I thought I would have a go and make one for Georgia. I was so happy with the way it turned out I thought I'd make one to give away to Ben's little friend Hayley for her birthday. The pattern was so easy and fun. I must say a big thank-you to Mel for the link to the patterns.

I have made a few more little things over the past week. I will share photos of them soon.

I have even started cutting out my first ever quilt ( go me, lol!) I'm hoping I might inspire my Mum into starting hers too:0) ( she bought fabric ages ago to start one, lol)

I am gunna really try and blog more too..................yer I know I've said it before, but I am gunna really try, lol.


Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Warm Winter Wendnasday!

Well today has been a really warm day, even though it's the middle of winter. I think it got to about 19*C. It was such a lovely day we decided to walk to school to pick up Georgia. Ben came home with a merit certificate today, a proud mummy moment, for always working hard:-) He is a hard worker and he loves school this year which is great.

Just catching up from the weekend, we spent the weekend at the shack. Was really nice to get away again. We had good weather too. On Saturday we packed a picnic and went for a drive to the beach, to do some shell collecting (this is Georgia's fave thing to do).
Sunday we were going to go fishing but we had a minor problem and didn't get out (got bogged!!, lol!!) was very funny, but that's all I'm going to say about that. Hopefully we will get to go fishing soon. We came home late Monday.

Here is a lo that I did last week sometime. I completed it in about an hour, which must be some kind of record for me, used some silver bazzil bling for the background.

Hope the rest of your week is good:0)


Wednesday, 18 July 2007

New LO

Just thought I'd pop in to share my latest LO. It is a scrap-lift of Mel's "Laundry Love" LO.
It's of Georgia, Jackson and their cousin Clare. These kids are very lucky to have a Grandma that can knit gorgeous clothes for them. She is an amazing knitter, she is so fast, and it's great cause knitted cardigans and vests are so in this season. Georgia has her little knitted vest and cardigan on in the photo and Clare is wearing Georgia's little red cardigan too.

On other news, our plans are finished, so we are picking them up tomorrow and taking them straight to council. I hope they aren't too long there. As soon as their approved we can start building (yay!!)
Not a lot else happening today. Had a quiet morning at home with Jacco, doing lots of house-work (yuck) .
We had Georgia's parent-Teacher interview this arvo, and she is doing so well at school, her teacher thinks she's a little angel, lol.
Today Georgia gave the little finger puppets she made to some of her friends at school, she also gave one to her teacher, so sweet. She has a little boy in her class who is autistic, and we have been talking a lot about him lately. She sometimes comes home from school and says that he is naughty. She must find it hard to understand why he is how he is, but I just say his brain doesn't work as well as the other kids. I thought it was so sweet that she wanted to give him a little finger puppet too, she is such a caring little girl, I just love her to bits.
Thanks for reading (if anyone does, lol)

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Happy Birthday Mum!

Happy 61st Birthday to my Mum. Hope you had a good day. We went out for lunch, with Mum, my Nan and my sisters and their kids. We went to the Carlyle (think that's how you spell it??) It was the first time I had been there, and it was quite nice. There is a big indoor play room for the kids, so they had lots of fun. I gave Mum "Walk The Line"CD, so now she can crank it up in her car when she is running all the girls around, lol! Mum is in charge of the Fahan Boarding House, and has been there for about 15 years now (I think), so I lived there as a teenager ( for a couple of years). I also gave Mum some money to go towards a cappuccino machine she wants to get. I made her this card (with lots of bling) and made the cover for the CD (cause I didn't have any wrapping paper)

Yesterday after school a few of the kids from Ben's class were going up to the snow they asked us to go along too, after a lot of umming and arring, and a lot of nagging from Ben, we decided to go, so we had about 10 minutes to get everyone ready, we put about 100 layers on the kids and ourselves in that time, was quite funny really, then we headed off, but "oh no" I forgot the camera, luckily we were only just down the road, so turned back to get it. We were going to meet them near the sports center, but they weren't there when we got there, so we thought we missed them. So we headed up the mountain, it was starting to drizzle (great) I said to Jon "I hope they didn't change there minds and turned back", but we kept going anyway. We finally got to the top and they weren't there, but they arrived just after us. The kids got in about an hour of playing before the rain got really bad. It was Jackson's first time in the snow, and to be honest I thought he would hate it, but he had fun, and he discovered he could say snow, so that's all we heard "Snow! Snow! Snow!" (so cute).

Here a some Photos.

Miss Georgia has been a busy girl making these cute little critters for some of her friends at school. She is very good at crafty things (that makes me happy, we'll be able to scrap together when she gets a bit bigger:0) She really takes her time and tries really hard to get things "just right" lol. These little finger puppets come in a pack of five with all the little bits you need, I got them from the newsagency for only $2.95, bargain. It kept her quiet for over an hour.

Nightie nite, have a bit of a headache so I'm off to bed now.


Thursday, 12 July 2007


It's been another busy week. On Sunday it was my niece's 17Th birthday, we went to Taco's. I was a mean Mummy and left the kids with Grandma and had a kid free night, which was nice, Jon had to work so he couldn't go:0( but all in all it was a fun night. I whipped up this card for her.

Georgia had her first little friend over for a play after school last week. They played really well together. She was in a funny little mood, giggling and showing off, being very cute, her little friends name is Jacob (yes a boy) You would think she would be sick of boys having two brothers, but that was who she wanted to have to play (so cute).

Monday night we had one of Jon's childhood friends and his partner over for dinner. They enjoyed catching up on old times, I heard some funny stories. They were both really nice and hope we can catch up with them again.

*Building news* Plans are being drawn up, soil test has been done ( I think,lol) and we settle the block tomorrow, so that means we'll be land owners again. I took some photos yesterday.
Scrapping is still slow. I really want some new supplies but not a lot of cash around atm :0(

Here's one I finished today. I don't know whats wrong with me lately but everything I do I'm not 100% happy with. I use to love finishing a LO and be proud of them, every time I'd finish one it use to be my new favorite, I don't know why I feel this way. I still love scrapping and want to scrap at any spare moment, maybe I need to do some classes. I wish I had someone to go with. I might look into an online class, that might get me going again.

That's enough rambling for one day



Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Where does it go???

Where dose the time go?? I was trying hard to blog more, but time really does fly by. Umm trying to think what has happened since my last post. We spent the weekend (23rd & 24Th June) at the shack which was nice. We had fine weather, but it was still very cold. We went out in the boat fishing on the Saturday, this was Georgia's first time in the boat. She really loved it and was very excited when she caught her first fish (Flathead, yum). We came home on the Monday, which was Jon's birthday. We spent the morning at the shack, and it was such a beautiful day there we decided to get some lunch and take it down to the beach and eat it. Afterwards we drove home and unpacked, then went to Jon's mum & dad's house for a roast lamb dinner, with chocolate pudding for desert (requested by the b'day boy). We ended up getting him a Billabong hoodie, Mr & Mrs Smith DVD (if you haven't seen it, you must!!) and a couple of other bits and pieces.

We had our good friend Sarah and Michael around for dinner on Monday night. They are off to Europe for 7 weeks (lucky them) they will be travelling around staying a few nights at each city. I really hope they don't have any trouble in London, with what's going on there at the moment. I'm sure they will have a wonderful time and see so many beautiful places.
I have scraped a LO at last. It's been months since I have done any. I'm not all that happy with it, but at least it's something.

Also made this little sleepy bear for Georgia. I felt-lifted it off the talented Mel. I am going to try the little chick next. It's so cute.

Thanks for stopping by:-)


Wednesday, 20 June 2007

We Have Light!

We just had a black-out. It started just before the kids bed-time. At first they were a bit worried, but after we got out the torches and dug up some old candles, they thought it was great fun. We put Jacco to bed at about 7:30, with a candle in his room ( don't worry, it was way out of reach) and he went off to sleep no worries at all (he is such a good boy) but as for the other two, it was a bit of a struggle to get them to settle down a go to sleep. We decided to let GG go in with Ben, we didn't think she would like being up stairs by herself. There was a lot of talking and giggling, but they eventually went to sleep. They will be tired at school tomorrow.

Meanwhile Jon and I were chilling out on the couch, watching the candle-light, listening to the rain on the roof, it was quite nice, for a while, then I got a bit board, lol, so I whipped out the camera, lol, and got some pics of the beautiful candle flame. Then I wanted to try and toast marshmallows, and it worked, and they were really yummy, then I think I had a few too many, and then I felt sick, lol.

Anyway here are some of the photo's I took, the one of me toasting marshmallows is funny:0)



Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Chilli Tuesday

Winter is well and truly here.. I really noticed the cold yesterday when we were up and about early taking BJ to school. It was his first day back after a couple of weeks holiday and he seemed a bit quiet and shy, I guess it will take a little while for him to settle down again, it probably seems like ages to him since he's been there. Georgia is back tomorrow, and really looking forward to it. She has been asking and asking when she can go back to dancing. It's good that she is missing it, i guess that means she really likes going. They don't start back up till Saturday week, so she still has a while to wait.

While Ben was at school, Georgia, Jackson and myself went to Eastlands to find a pressie for Jon, it's his birthday on Monday and we might be going to the shack for the weekend, so I thought I better get in early. Why are men so hard to buy for?????????? I did get one thing, but that was something he said he wanted, so that was easy, but I have no idea what else to get him. Mmm I will have to put my thinking cap on:0)

While we were at Eastlands we met up with my mum and my sister and her kids, Georgia hadn't seen her cousin Isabelle for the whole of the holidays, so it made her happy to catch up with her again.

I have a couple of DVDs to recommend, one is a animated family one called "Barnyard" It is so funny. The kids love it, Jon loves it and even I love it. It's really funny.

Another one is "Walk The Line" this isn't a kids one, I borrowed it off my mum and I have now watched it 5 times. It's the story of Johnny Cash. It's got a lot of singing in it and it so cool.

Georgia is very excited about this weekend, she now has her very own life-jacket, which means she can now come out in Herbie (our boat, weird name, I know) and hopefully catch her first fish. Jon had to go to Big W to get some things and Georgia wanted to go too. So off they went, and when they came home she showed me her new life-jacket, I was kindda surprised he got her one, because they aren't cheep, he said they were in the fishing section, and she saw the little life jacket, and she looked at him with this gorgeous look in her eyes and said "please Daddy" and Jon just couldn't say no:0) (that's my girl LOL)

Lastly I thought I share a few photo's that make me laugh. Some are old and some a recent.

Jackson really enjoying his icey pole.

Trying to get a cute photo of all the kids in their Jammie's on my bed, this is the result, a cute one of Jacco but see in the background, Ben and Georgia are having a wrestle!!!

Do ya think I'm sexy???

Crazy Girl!

I love these four, even if they are crazy!!!

Hope you keep warm

Bye for now


Friday, 15 June 2007

It's About Time

I thought it was about time I updated this lonely little blog. I was thinking about what to write about and it's kinda amazing what can happen in a month.

The most exciting news I have is that we finally found a building block, it is close by so I'm glad we don't have to change the kids school and stuff like that. We have been busy working out our floor plan, and we have settled on one we both like so now we have to wait for the titles to come through then we can get started, it's very exciting to be building again.

School holiday's are almost over:0( but we have had a great time. Mum has got a shack up the east-coast now and we can use it whenever we like (lucky us) So we have been up there over the past week. The kids have had so much fun and are still catching up on sleep, as they had lots of late nights. I loved the camp fire we had on a couple of nights, toasting marsh mellows (yum) . And the walks to the point where the kids went looking for crabs and enjoyed throwing rocks into the water.

We had Jon's mum and dad come up for a BBQ lunch on one day, they brought Clare and Angus with them so the kids had fun playing with them. And on the last night my sister came up with Jye, Amelia, Sarah and her friend Lauren, and stayed the night which was great fun. I can't wait till summer time.

While we were at the shack, Mum and I went for a drive to this little shop, it's like a Christmas all year round shop, and it also has some craft supplies so I decided to buy some felt and thread and try some stitching. I didn't really have any idea what to make, then I had a brain-wave. Jackson was watching a Peppa pig DVD which he really loves ATM, so I made him a little George and a dinosaur (if you don't know peppa pig, George is peppa's little brother and he loves dinosaur's and I think it's the only word he can say, lol) I guess it turned out OK for my first try, and I already have requests from Ben and Georgia for some for them.

I haven't done any scrap booking for such a long time, I did start a little mini album just before we went to the shack, so I hope to get that finished soon.

Thanks for stopping by.
